סגור את תיבת החיפוש

Dr. Vladylen Tomashpolskyi

Dr. Vladylen Tomashpolskyi


Specialization: Oral surgery, Prosthodontics.

Experience since 1994. Dental practice in Israel and Ukraine.


International Center for Implantology and Oral Surgery of Prof. Fouad Khoury. Steigmann ImplantInstitute.

Traineeship for microsurgical techno at the Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Dr. Aleksey Dikarev.

Creator of the educational website StepByStep.video. Speaker of Up&Do Dentist Advanced Training Academy. Author of surgical techniques: «Transgingival Sinus Floor Elevation» and

«Bone and soft tissue augmentation by Woven Bone». Mentor of the «Alpha-Bio Tec» and «Bio Horizons» implant systems.

Medical consultant of the manufacturer of operating microscopes «Scanner».

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