סגור את תיבת החיפוש

PRF & PURGO Regen Education Course

PRF RACING. PRF induces accelerated healing of soft and hard tissues

What’s PRF’ ? Is it always effective? not all the time ’! The latest innovations (LSCC, Sticky Bone, PomPac, PomCol) The Oxidative Stress: mechanism & management.

14-15 ביוני 2024

08:00 - 19:00

ניס, צרפת

Hotel Aston La Scala: 12 Av. Félix Faure, 06000 Nice
PRF & PURGO Regen Education Course
Racademy Partners
Racademy Partners
Racademy Partners

In the field of wound healing, the PRF since its publication in 2001 (Choukroun) has raised growing interest among dental surgeons.

PRF induces accelerated healing of soft and hard tissues. (1350 publications)

The numerous  protocols  of use, which must obey precise rules, have been constantly improved.

However, natural healing or healing with PRF requires certain conditions and cannot take place without an adequate performance of the different biological cascades that occur in the cells.

Oxidative stress  is a physio-pathological phenomenon that will inhibit the cells to perform correctly.

This oxidative stress affects both soft tissue cells and bone cells. Bone resorption is the result of bone oxidation: inhibition of osteoblasts and activation of osteoclast genesis. It will cause bone grafts to fail. PRF cannot be really effective if the patient is in oxidative stress, even if it's a powerful anti-oxidant.

Because we learn more from our failures than from our successes, 4 chapters of this course are dedicated to healing failures related to the oxidative stress: biological abnormalities (smoking, diabetes), soft tissue oxidative stress, bone and bone grafts oxidation.

The last chapter will introduce the  Over Concept: how to prevent complications and to achieve predictable and reproducible results.

54 Questions and Answers will help you to better understand certain aspects in all areas of PRF use and oxidative stress management.

תכני הקורס

DAY 1: Timing : Welcome coffee : 8:00 am
 8:30am – 18:00pm: PRF, Sticky bone 4.0 – Osteoimmunology

By Dr Joseph CHOUKROUN –  Course in English

  • PRF Fundamentals: concept, content, clinical applications
  • Indications: soft tissue management, bone augmentations, socket preservation.
  • Biological conditions for success: Osteoimmunology: immune supplementation & Vit. D
  • Conditions of angiogenesis:  tension & pressure.
  • Sitcky Bone with PomPac and PomSwing. Preparation, handling.
  • Demo: PRF clots & membranes,  Sticky Bone  – Phlebotomy.


DAY 2 : Timing: Welcome coffee : 8:00 am
  8:30am – 19:00pm : Strategies and surgical techniques for ridge augmentation
+ LIVE Surgeries & Hands on : pig jaws.

By Dr Jérôme SURMENIAN – Course in English  

  • Focus on surgical and biological strategies to increase the predictability and decrease the invasiveness of bone regeneration.
  • Understand how Osteoimmunology is changing the game regarding biomaterial selection and handling.
  • Live surgeries: Precisely position titanium mesh and screws – Easily manage the soft tissues : buccal and lingual flaps – Appropriate suturing technique



  • Horizontal bone augmentation
  • Vertical bone augmentation
  • Uncovering of implants placed in a grafted site

Hands on: pig jaws

קהל היעד

רופאים המתמחים בהשתלות, כירורגיה וניתוחי חניכיים. רופאים המתמחים בשיקום הפה, הפנים והלסת

טעימה מהקורס

PRF & PURGO Regen Education Course
מספר המקומות מוגבל!
הנחות קבועות לחברי המועדון
Dr. Joseph Choukroun
Dr. Choukroun Joseph
מנחה הסדנה

Dr Choukroun is the owner of Private Pain Clinic in Nice, France. He is the President of SYFAC, International Symposium on Growth Factors and author of several scientific papers.

Dr. Jerome Surmenian
Dr. Jérôme Surmenian
מנחה הסדנה

Doctor of dental surgery
Periodontology and Implantology Department. Postgraduate in Periodontology and Implantology – Boston University, US.

Dr. Elisa Choukroun
Dr. Elisa Choukroun
מנחת הסדנה

להרשמה לקורס

* נא למלא באותיות אנגלית.

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