סגור את תיבת החיפוש
Raviv Academy - קורסים לרופאים

Dr. Colombo Fabrizio

Dr. Colombo Fabrizio


Dr. Fabrizio Colombo attended numerous refresher courses in Italy and abroad. He is the author of scientific articles published in national and international journals, of posters presented at national and international conferences and is a speaker at cultural events regarding topics of oral surgery, regenerative surgery and implantology in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the United States of America.

Author of the work that won the "Poster Award" in the "Advanced Clinical Cases" category at the "1st International IAO (Italian Academy of Osseointegration) Congress" in Milan in 2017.

Winner of the MINEC (Megagen International Network of Education & Clinical Research) international contest at 15th International Megagen Symposium 2022 (Seoul – South Korea).

Dr. Colombo is an active member of IAO (Italian Academy of Osseointegration) and member of ANDI (National Association of Italian Dentists). He practices as a freelancer, dedicating himself exclusively to oral surgery, bone and gum regenerative surgery, implantology and implant prosthetics.

Medical Training

  • 2004
    Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics
    • With full marks from the University of Milan on 11-11-2004 with an experimental thesis.
  • 2004
    Qualifying exam
    • For the dental profession with a score of 30/30 December 2004
  • 2005
    Registration in the Order of Dentists
    • Of Como n.° 658 of 17-01-2005.
  • 2011
    Specialization in Oral Surgery
    • Academic year 2010-2011 University of Milan, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Department of Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Dental Clinic – Oral Surgery Unit responsible Prof. Matteo Chiapasco.
  • 2012
    Specialization in Implantology (Implant Surgery and Implant Prosthesis)
    • Academic year 2011-2012 University of Brescia, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Dental Clinic – Coordinator Prof. Stefano Salgarello.
EAO 2024
25 באוקטובר 2024 12:00 – 09:00 מילאנו, איטליה  Enhanced...
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